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SBS Pioneering team arrives in Paris


students arrive for the first time


outreach planning begins


school of

biblical studies

The School of Biblical Studies (SBS) is a nine month Inductive Bible Study course created to equip students with skills to confidently study the scriptures. Throughout the course, each student will study all 66 books of the Bible in their literary & historical contexts. 


The goal of SBS is for students to have hearts transformed by the study of the Bible. Throughout SBS, students are given a foundation for a lifetime of rich study in the scriptures, and leave equipped to take God’s truth to the nations.

what is sbs?

the heart & The Impact

build a foundation 📖

SBS information in Paris



Quarter 1: September 29 - December 13, 2025

Quarter 2: January 4 - March 22, 2026

Quarter 3: April 5 - June 21, 2026

End date: June 21, 2026 

Language: English

Prerequisite: DTS completion


Fees: €3,000 per quarter

Travel Insurance: 190€

Originally from the USA, Myah has been in missions since her DTS with YWAM Kona in 2019. For the past three years she has been working with the School of Biblical Studies in Kona & has seen firsthand how the word of God can deeply impact the lives of individuals.

Brenna is originally from the United States. She joined YWAM in 2019 and completed her DTS and SBS on the Sunshine Coast of Australia. Brenna has been co-leading SBS with YWAM Kona for the past 2 years. 

Myah Kelley and Brenna Moss

school leader

Myah Kelley & Brenna Moss

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