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hey, we are



adam thompson and leah thompson


They have a desire to see the lost saved and to equip and release this generation into their God-given call. They love calling young people higher into the ways of God and into radical obedience. 


Adam and Leah both deeply love the Lord and wholeheartedly follow him. They both completed their own DTS’ in Australia in 2004 and 2006 and then participated in staff training, served in numerous ministries roles, and led Discipleship Training Schools. They completed The Executive Masters in Global Pioneering Leadership with the University of the Nations in 2022, and in 2023 they also became parents to their beautiful son Josiah.

pioneering ywam paris connect team

The Call to Paris

Adam and Leah got married in 2010 and in 2012 joined a pioneering team that moved to southern France to begin a new YWAM campus. They served on the leadership team there for 5 years when God began to shift their focus towards pioneering in Paris. 


In October 2017 10 people joined Adam and Leah as they began YPC.  It was time for a new YWAM campus to be planted as a place of ministry and missional training in order to impact the city and surrounding nations. This team of 12 saw favor in the pioneering process and quickly grew, running DTS, hosting outreach teams and running summer outreach events within the first year.

march for jesus paris

The Vision

To equip and release this generation to encounter God and impact cities. YPC wants to take part in training and sending 100,000 missionaries into the nations and consistently see salvations in Paris, Europe and in the 10/40 window.

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