We are a global community in Paris that transforms cities through connecting this generation to their missional calling. Through vibrant worship and prayer, mission training, serving communities, and proclaiming Jesus, we want to see youth activated in the nations, boldly fulfilling the great commission.

Your Calling
Make a lasting impact! Join our vibrant community full time or participate in a training school, discovering how you can transform cities and be a part of a generation boldly fulfilling their calling!
Your calling awaits! Join us for dynamic worship and local engagement that will help you connect locally and fulfill your part in the Great Commission.
Take the step and join us, a global community dedicated to serving and proclaiming Jesus.

Joining YWAM begins with a Discipleship Training School (DTS).
DTS gives you the opportunity to discover your passions and find your role in the great commission. It is for those who actively want to follow Jesus in the nations and long to impact the world around them.
It's designed to challenge and grow you in your faith while learning how to build healthy friendships within diverse communities.
take the first step

connect community
local engagement
We invite locals to join us for a time of connection through English classes, Bible studies, and life skills. Our aim is to build relationship, equip, and provide opportunities for growth academically, socially and spiritually.
Evangelism is core to YWAM Paris Connect. We reach the city of Paris weekly through street evangelism, open-air worship, gospel proclamation, sports, dance, tract distribution, and more. Locals are invited to join us for these times - many hands make light work.
local engagement
local engagement

paris je t'aime
Our local ministry, Paris Je t’Aime, is hosting our annual summer event, Paris Je t'Aime 2024 during the Games.
Get ready for three weeks of live open-air events, worship nights, and acts of service in collaboration with local and international partners to inspire believers, connect ministries and declare and make known the love of God throughout Paris.
Join us this July to get trained and ignited into radical love and service through gaining God’s burning heart for Paris. We believe that transformation comes through encountering the Love of God and that in these pre-revival times Paris is thirsty for this kind of love!